StevickCHS Pest Control
We know the North provides unique challenges to the industry. StevickCHS comes with years of experience working in remote, northern communities, and the flexibility to get
the job done right, and in compliance with the unique environment we share here in Northern Manitoba.
StevickCHS partners directly with First Nations communities to provide the best service possible for their residents.

Servicing Remote Communities
Is your community fly-in? Winter road? We don't mind! We understand how hard it can be to get the services needed. We are here to help. We will work through the challenging circumstances that has prevented your community from being properly served.Contact us to discuss more!

German Cockroaches
German Cockroaches have become an unwelcome new addition to our Northern communities over the past 10 years; spreading rapidly, and virtually unchallenged, they have quickly become a serious problem in many northern Indigenous communities.
We control German Cockroaches with a combination of bait pastes, and bait powders, along with crack & crevice treatments for maximum effectiveness, while minimizing harmful chemical exposure that more traditional treatment methods risk.
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Bed Bugs
A staple pest in North America since the 1700s, Bed Bugs have become ubiquitous across Northern Manitoba over the past 20 years. Although no known diseases are transmitted through bed bugs, they carry with them plenty of mental and physical maladies that make them a real nuisance that can demoralize, and interrupt the healthy sleep of anyone allowing them to feed.
Our bed bug treatments consist of mechanical treatment means, (vacuums), crack & crevice treatments, and a new fungal spray technology called Apprehend.
Apprehend uses a bed bug targeting fungus to control bed bug populations for up to 3 months!
At first people may be afraid of fungal sprays such as Apprehend, but rest assured, there are millions of fungal spores you breathe in every breath that are harmless to your immune system. Very few fungal species are harmful to humans, and this one that was modified to target specifically bed bugs, is another in the long list of benign species.
Providing effective control, while eliminating the use of any harmful chemicals in the process, we pride ourselves on our approach to the bed bug epidemic!
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Rodents, such as Deer Mice, can be a nuisance in northern communities, especially at cabins! Often times these pests will attempt to take shelter in your buildings over the winter. Sometimes they will even take shelter in your vehicle, and end up chewing up the wiring, causing a disaster!
We use some common sense techniques, and low-toxicity baits to effectively control mice populations in unwanted areas.
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Stinging Insects
Everyone hates to be sitting out on the porch with their morning coffee, only to be disturbed by an incessant buzzing noise that seems to be close by. Yes it is yellow jacket season in the North!
Let us do battle for you!
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